This week we’re learning more about Bill Zolis of Penmore Callery. What inspired you to join the benefits industry? No, I did not say in my grade 6 class, “When I grow up I want to be an Insurance underwriter”. By fluke, I had a couple of summer jobs during...
Double-digit rate increases for the drug plan are a distant memory for Jeff Porter, president and CEO of Turner & Porter, a funeral home business in Toronto, Ontario. Ten years ago, the company introduced virtual pharmacy services to its plan members (about 80...
People who work from home will expect their benefits to keep up with the changes I think the question I’m getting most often from clients in the last few months is basically, “What effect will this sudden upsurge in working from home have on the sorts of benefits that...
We can’t afford to think “when this is over.” We have a job to do and a chance to step up and really shine. By Bill Zolis Five weeks in, working from home. I didn’t think it was a new thing for me, but I’m surprised and a little pleased to discover how much I’m...
See what our own Bill Zolis, Penmore Financial Group, has to say about Dental Fraud in his recent Benefits Canada article! Read: A Look at the Drivers for Curbing Rising Dental Costs