On this episode, Melanie Dobler joins Carolyne Eagan and Rob Green to talk about how Employee Assistance Plans are changing to better meet the needs of employees in a variety of needs.
Show notes:
- Current low utilization of EAPs in Canada and how awareness and improving access can improve overall utilization.
- How leadership can impact the culture of being more open about accessing available resources and encourage everyone to be mindful of their wellness.
- The importance of having trust between managers and employees, especially in times of need.
- Structuring an EAP to be a good fit for your employees. Mild to moderate, moderate to severe and how time to appointment and continuity of care can be a difference maker.
- How Sun Life is creating tools and resources to help with the process (see links below) and how they have been received.
- The reality of time – how some changes you can make to any employee benefits plan will take time for people to understand and be confident in using the new resources.
- Focus on improving over time as you’re listening to employees feedback.
Get access to the resources mentioned on this episode of the podcast:
- Sun Life EAP white paper (also released through the Canadian HR Reporter)
- Plan member general mental health information: Supporting your mental health and wellbeing
- Mental health training videos: Mental health training for employees
- Health strategy resources: Health strategy resources
- Organizational health self-assessment: Organizational health assessment (geared around smaller employers)
- Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey report
On this Episode:
- Carolyne Eagan, Benefits Alliance
- Rob Green, Green Benefits Group
- Melanie Dobler, Sun Life
Listen Now: BA Voice Episode 025:
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