Survey Says… What 4000 Plan Members are Thinking about Their Retirement

by | May 8, 2024 | Benefits Alliance Voice, Group Retirement Plan, Group Retirement Savings

In this episode of the Benefits Alliance Voice, Rahim and Carolyne review the 2023 survey from MFS with Taylor Pidgeon. In this annual survey, you’ll hear about insights on retirement savings, strategies and trends.

Show Notes:

  • Get your copy of the MFS Annual Survey
  • Trends for Retirement Readiness and more plan members wanting to gradually retire.
  • Understanding Target Date Funds for different age brackets
  • How advice is in demand and the various places people are learning about finances
  • What are the main concerns of employees as they focus on their future
  • How are resources being made available and are they being used to create better financial literacy?
  • Encouraging employees to have one-on-ones with an advisor to get customized responses and direction.

On Today’s Episode:

Listen Now: BA Voice Episode 013:

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