Benefits Alliance Announces headversity as new Preferred Solutions Provider

by | Apr 26, 2023 | headversity

Benefits Alliance is proud to announce that headversity has been selected as a new Preferred Solutions Provider with the goal of providing member firms access to proactive tools focused on upskilling employee mental well-being so they can withstand any challenge.

“For plan sponsors, having a preventative resource included in their mental health strategy has become vital. The shift in mental health needs has clearly gone from reactive to proactive,” said Carolyne Eagan, President of Benefits Alliance. “Benefits Alliance is very pleased to offer headversity and its industry-first Preventative Assistance Platform (PRE.A.P.) to our advisors and their clients to help plan members get ahead of adversity and more effectively build the skills that protect mental health, resilience and psychological safety in the workplace.”

headversity believes that the key to a happy, productive and psychologically safe workforce is resilience and that everyone has the capacity to upskill it themselves.

“Organizational leaders have recognized there is more pressure, disruption, and distraction in the workplace than ever before, resulting in increasing mental health-related costs, including opportunity costs. Offering only EAP and more access to therapy is no longer enough,” stresses Jason Gotwalt, SVP of Growth and Partnership with headversity. “Prevention starts with better skills training (Upskilling), meeting individuals and teams where they are at, with what they need to build resilience and support psychological safety. We are thrilled that Benefits Alliance and its members have selected headversity as a Preferred Solutions Provider, now offering their clients a proactive and preventative solution to effectively address the mental health needs in the workplace.”

About headversity

With a focus on prevention, headversity offers skill-based training to help workforces improve their mental well-being by addressing three persistent challenges: mental health, workplace safety and operational excellence. With an industry-redefining preventative assistance platform (PRE.A.P.) that provides proactive and digital mental health upskilling experiences for the entire workforce, we have helped more than 3 million employees around the world upskill resilience and get ahead of adversity.

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