Adding Our Voice to Pharmacare

Adding Our Voice to Pharmacare

Canada’s new—and only—national advocacy body for plan sponsors and plan members has earned a seat at the pharmacare table. “Our voice is resonating,” says Carolyne Eagan, principal spokesperson for the Smart Health Benefits Coalition (SHBC) and President of Benefits...
Canadian Pharmacare Revisited

Canadian Pharmacare Revisited!2e974 Listen to the Benefits Alliance Voice on: Spotify | Apple iTunes | Google | Radio Public | iHeart Radio Episode 002: Benefits Alliance has an incredible ⁠network of advisors⁠ who represent organizations...
Wherefore Pharmacare?

Wherefore Pharmacare?

With less than four months to go for the federal government to table legislation to enact a national pharmacare program in Canada, the silence is deafening. And Benefits Alliance’s advocacy committee says it’s high time that employers with private drug plans raise...