Member Spotlight: Davis Winch

by | Apr 25, 2022 | Benefits Alliance Member, Member Spotlight, Winch Group

This week we’re learning more about Davis Winch of The Winch Group Inc.

What inspired you to enter the industry?

The opportunity to provide support to others through health and wellness as well as financial advise.

Who is your mentor?

Gary Shea / Scott Guest

What are some things that people don’t know about you?

IRecently moved to Cambridge from the Hamilton area.

What are the biggest lessons that you have learned in the business?  

There’s always more opportunities to continue to learn and develop oneself.

Do you have insights about the industry that you would like to share?

Interested in where the continued development of virtual healthcare will take us in the future.


Benefits Alliance Member Spotlight

The Benefits Alliance Member Spotlight showcases our members across Canada who provide custom solutions for their clients Employee Benefits and Group Retirement.