Member Spotlight: Christine MacDonald

by | Jan 10, 2022 | Benefits Alliance Member, Member Spotlight, Selectpath

This week we’re learning more about Christine MacDonald of SelectPath.

What inspired you to enter the industry?

I was always in a business development capacity in my past roles and I wanted a change where I could grow professionally and personally; the pension and health benefits industry was a perfect fit!

Who is your mentor?

Todd Stephen is a great mentor and I surround myself with wonderful team members and friends.

What are some things that people don’t know about you?

I am big on mental health. To be able to work in an industry that can deliver options for improved mental health is a blessing to me. As leaders, we get to set the tone and walk the talk.

What is the biggest lessons that you have learned in the business?  

Deliver on what you say you are going to do. Relationships are critical and your word is your word.

Do you have insights about the industry that you would like to share? 

We need to continue to rise above the mediocre service that is out there right now. There is so much to learn, new services and delivery points that we need to commit more and more to our personal development. We need to be the leaders in our communities to tell the story. We can really have an impact on our clients and their employees.

Benefits Alliance Member Spotlight

The Benefits Alliance Member Spotlight showcases our members across Canada who provide custom solutions for their clients Employee Benefits and Group Retirement.