Meet Our Speaker: Justin Truong

by | Aug 21, 2023 | Speaker Series

What is your name?

Justin Truong

What is the name of your presentation?

Navigating the Post-Goldilocks Era

What is a key takeaway you’re hoping the audience leaves with?

A better sense of the global economy and markets. Mackenzie’s asset mix recommendation over the next 6-12 months.

Why should this topic be important to our conference attendees?

Understanding the new macroeconomic/market regime is not only important for investors but also for those interested in managing their personal finances.

What’s a question you hope to be asked following your session?

An investing solution should always be tailored towards the individual. I hope to provide some more granular advice to participants’/their clients’ financial situations.

What is something people may not know about you?

I’ve recently caught the golf bug (Much to my girlfriend’s dismay)

What is a recent book or movie that you would recommend?


If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be and why? What question would you ask them?

Kobe Bryant. I’ve always looked up to him as a role model for work ethic, determination and perseverance.

How can people connect with you after the conference?