Employers vs. the Great Resignation

by | May 30, 2023 | Benefits Alliance Pulse

Plus, Fostering an Inclusive Company Culture.

The Benefits Alliance Pulse is an industry-focused, weekly newsletter that is delivered to Canadians who are interested in Group Benefits, Group Retirement Solutions, and anything related to improving well-being within those areas. Benefits Alliance delivers this newsletter as a way to connect the industry further.

In this week’s Pulse, we explore strategies for acquiring and maintaining talented personnel to ensure your business remains competitive in the job market. From weighing the pros and cons of hiring new graduates versus experienced employees to build an attractive compensation plan tailored to industry standards – you’ll learn valuable insights that can help your company retain its most valuable asset: its people.

We’ll also discuss fostering an inclusive work environment by addressing mental health concerns within the workplace, as well as investing in employee development opportunities that not only benefit staff members but also contribute positively to overall job satisfaction levels.

Join us on this journey towards understanding how organizations can effectively attract and retain key employees amidst ever-changing workforce dynamics!


Employers vs. the Great Resignation


Retaining personnel of importance is essential for any successful business, yet in the current job market, it has become increasingly difficult.

With the ongoing “Great Resignation,” companies are struggling to find effective strategies for employee retention and reducing turnover rates.


Hiring New Graduates vs. Experienced Employees


Let’s dive into the world of attracting key employees by comparing new graduates and experienced professionals.

Finding the right combination of new and experienced personnel is key to forming a powerful team.


Hiring New Graduates:


  • Fresh perspectives and enthusiasm
  • Potential for moulding them according to your company culture
  • Lower salary expectations compared to experienced hires
  • May require more training and mentoring initially


Hiring Experienced Professionals:


  • In-depth industry knowledge and expertise in specific roles
  • Can hit the ground running with minimal onboarding time
  • Possess established professional networks that can benefit your organization
  • Higher salary expectations due to experience



When it comes to employee retention, both new graduates and experienced professionals need development opportunities to stay engaged and motivated. Retaining employees is crucial for reducing employee turnover and retaining top talent. Hiring managers should focus on job satisfaction and providing smaller opportunities for growth and development to retain talent.

One of the biggest challenges for HR professionals and business owners is the recruitment process. With the rise of the “great resignation,” it’s more important than ever to attract and retain top talent. Offering development opportunities and a positive company culture can help reduce turnover and retain employees.

Whether you’re hiring new graduates or experienced professionals, it’s important to strike a balance and provide opportunities for growth and development. By doing so, you can build a strong team that will help your organization thrive.


Building Competitive Compensation Packages


Alright, let’s talk money and benefits. We all know the power of total compensation.

To attract top talent, you need a competitive compensation package that stands out in your industry. However, monetary compensation is not the only factor to consider when trying to attract top talent.

Your total compensation plan should include various components to entice potential employees. These components include:


  • Salary: Of course, this is the base of any package. Make sure it aligns with industry standards and reflects the value of the role.
  • Bonuses & Incentives: Performance-based rewards can motivate employees to excel and contribute to overall company success.
  • Stock Options: Offering ownership stakes can create a sense of belonging and commitment to your organization’s growth.
  • Retirement Packages: A solid retirement plan shows you care about your employees’ long-term financial well-being.
  • Fringe Benefits: Add perks like health insurance or flexible time off for an extra competitive edge.



You might be wondering: How do I know if my compensation strategy is on point?

The answer lies in benchmarking against other successful companies within your sector. In Canada, we have some great examples worth emulating – check out Canada’s Top 100 Employers list.

L’Oreal Canada offers its staff generous parental leave policies alongside comprehensive healthcare coverage, while Intact Financial Corporation provides a robust retirement savings plan.

So, take inspiration from these top employers and craft your own winning compensation package. Remember, the goal is to create an irresistible offer that will make it hard for candidates to say no.



Fostering an Inclusive Company Culture


Let’s talk about the secret sauce for retaining employees – a positive and inclusive company culture. An environment where everyone feels valued can work wonders in keeping your workforce engaged and loyal. How do you establish an atmosphere of acceptance and appreciation? Fear not, we’ve got some actionable tips to help you out.


Strategies for Promoting Diversity and Inclusion


  1. Start by evaluating your current workplace policies, ensuring they are fair and unbiased towards all employees.
  2. Encourage open communication channels between management teams and staff members, fostering transparency at every level of the organization.
  3. Provide diversity training programs that educate employees on unconscious biases, stereotypes, and ways to promote inclusivity within their teams.



Companies Recognized for Their Inclusive Culture in Canada


  • Government of Canada Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS): TBS has implemented various initiatives like the Centre for Diversity and Inclusion, which focuses on creating a more inclusive workplace.
  • Shopify: This e-commerce giant is committed to promoting diversity by offering training programs, employee resource groups, and fostering an environment where everyone feels they belong.
  • TELUS: TELUS has been recognized as one of Canada’s Best Diversity Employers due to its commitment to fostering an inclusive culture through various initiatives like its Spectrum program that supports LGBTQ+ employees.


Now it’s your turn. Implement these strategies in your organization and watch how the power of inclusivity can transform your company culture – leading to happier employees who are eager to stay.


Prioritizing Employee Well-being


For optimum performance, ensuring employee satisfaction is essential. When it comes to keeping top performers, focusing on their welfare should be the main priority. So how do you create an environment that promotes mental and physical health?


Implementing Mental Well-being Initiatives at Work


  1. Encourage open communication by creating safe spaces for employees to discuss any concerns or challenges they may be facing.
  2. Offer flexible working arrangements such as remote work options or flex time schedules – this can help reduce stress levels among workers leading to higher retention rates.
  3. Implement wellness programs like meditation sessions and fitness classes, or even just provide healthy snacks in the break room.



Examples of Companies Prioritizing Employee Well-being in Canada


Canada’s Top 100 Employers list, which recognizes companies with exceptional human resources practices and forward-thinking workplace policies, includes some great examples of organizations that prioritize employee well-being.


  • TELUS Communications: Known for its “Work Styles” program that allows employees flexibility in choosing where and when they work based on their needs.
  • Shopify: Offers generous parental leave policies along with various wellness initiatives such as mental health support and fitness classes.
  • Ceridian HCM: Provides employees with access to an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for confidential counselling services, along with flexible work arrangements and wellness programs.


Remember, investing in your employees’ well-being is not just nice to have; it’s essential for retaining top talent and maintaining a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced business world.


Investing in Professional Development Opportunities


Let’s face it.

In today’s fast-paced world, investing in your employee’s professional growth is no longer a luxury – it’s a necessity. Offering clear goals for career progression along with relevant training courses demonstrates appreciation towards your workforce’s contributions while motivating them further, leading to increased loyalty towards the organization.

How can you construct a setting that boosts ongoing education and advancement?


Types of Professional Development Opportunities Available


  • Skills training programs, such as workshops or seminars, are tailored to specific job roles or industries.
  • Online courses and certifications from reputable institutions like Coursera, Udemy, or even more industry-specific offerings like Advocis, a national association for financial advisors.
  • In-house mentorship programs where experienced employees guide newer team members through their career journey within the company.



Successful Examples from Canadian Companies Investing in Employee Growth


  • TELUS is known for its commitment to employee development. They offer various resources such as tuition reimbursement and access to over 10,000 online courses via their TELUS University platform.
  • Shopify provides its employees with a $5,000 annual budget for professional development. This includes conferences, workshops, and online courses. Check out their careers page to see how they prioritize employee growth.


By providing professional development opportunities, you can ensure your team remains competitive and retains top talent. So go ahead – explore these opportunities and watch your employees thrive.


FAQs in Relation to Attracting and Retaining Key Employees


How to Attract and Retain Key Employees


To attract and retain key employees, it is important to offer a competitive total compensation plan, foster an engaging company culture, invest in employee development opportunities, and leverage technology for retention efforts. Tailor your strategy based on industry standards to ensure you remain attractive to top talent.


What Attracts and Retains Employees?


Employees are attracted by factors such as competitive salaries, comprehensive benefits packages, positive work environments with inclusive cultures, and growth opportunities through training programs or career advancement options. Retention is achieved by maintaining these offerings while also addressing mental health concerns within the workplace.


Why Is Attracting and Retaining Employees Important?


Attracting and retaining talented employees is crucial for business success because it leads to higher productivity levels, increased innovation capabilities, and improved customer satisfaction rates due to better service quality provided by skilled staff members. It also reduces turnover costs associated with hiring new personnel frequently.


What Benefits Should Be Considered to Attract and Retain Employees?


Consider offering a mix of traditional benefits like health insurance plans or retirement savings options alongside non-traditional perks such as flexible working hours arrangements or remote work possibilities, wellness initiatives aimed at promoting physical activity during breaks, professional development support including tuition reimbursement schemes, and generous vacation policies allowing ample time off from work duties each year.