Benefits Alliance Spotlight: Tiffany Doorbal-Headland

by | May 5, 2024 | Benefits Alliance Spotlight, Homewood Health

This week we’re learning more about Tiffany Doorbal-Headland at Homewood Health

Who do you work with?

 Homewood Health

Where in Canada are you based?

Mississauga, Ontario. The Mississaugas are part of the Ojibwa Nation, in the Algonquian language family. They established themselves on the north shore of Lake Ontario between 1700 and 1720. Mississauga is about 20 minutes away from Toronto.

Please introduce yourself in 10 words or less.

I’ve always enjoyed staying active since I was a child, playing on sports teams. As I grew older, my fascination in mental health became clear, leading me to discover my lifelong passion for helping others. Now, I am committed to helping my loved ones live their happiest lives. Working at Homewood Health allows me to make a positive impact on others through meaningful work, and I love being a part of it.

What is your favourite part of your job?

I love the people I work with. They’re all talented in unique ways, which helps me to learn and grow as well. Working in an area that interests me, gives me a sense of purpose, inspires me to grow and help others makes my job enjoyable.

How do you define success?

I think it’s a very personal definition. To me, success is helping others, learning something new, conquering fears like reducing mental health stigma. At Homewood, success starts with our partnerships – genuine interest and desire to help, collaboration, authenticity, trust and openness. Through the right solutions, the result is improving lives. That’s the ultimate success.

How do you manage work/life balance?

Working for an employer in the mental health space, I value and support psychological safety for myself and colleagues. I work fully remote, which allows me the flexibility to be fully present at work and then disconnect from work to recharge. Staying physically and mentally healthy helps me to work more productively and best serve our employers and employees. I play on a competitive women’s hockey team in winter and summer to stay active. I also have two Boston Terriers who ensure that I step away from my desk at home and take that walk outside to enjoy fresh air and nature.

What books/resources do you recommend that every business person should check out?

Atlas of the Heart – Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience

By Brene Brown
#1 New York Times Best Selling Author

If your friends/family/colleagues were to give you an award, what would it be for?

Empathy Award. Cognitive Empathy – being aware of the emotional state of another person. Emotional Empathy – engaging with and sharing those emotions. Compassionate Empathy – taking action to support other people.

If someone would make a documentary about you, what would be the title?

It’s Not What We Have, But Who We Are.



The Benefits Alliance Member Spotlight showcases our members across Canada who provide custom solutions for their clients Employee Benefits and Group Retirement.