Member Spotlight: James DeWare

by | Jun 12, 2023 | Benefits Alliance Spotlight

This week we’re learning more about James DeWare at Selectpath Benefits and Financial

What is your name?

James DeWare

Who do you work with?

Selectpath Benefits and Financial

Where in Canada are you based?

Saint John, New Brunswick

Please introduce yourself in 10 words or less.

Proud father of 3 girls and partner to employers.

What is your favourite part of your job?

Helping employers enhance their employee value proposition to retain and attract talent.

What career advice would you give to your younger self?

Take a leap. Even though it may be uncomfortable or you may be afraid, it is leads to important growth.

What is a recent book or movie that you would recommend?

“Atomic Habits” by James Clear. The little changes we make matter more than we think.

What is your favourite thing to do on the weekend?

Getting outdoors! Golf. Ski. Run. Hike.






The Benefits Alliance Member Spotlight showcases our members across Canada who provide custom solutions for their clients Employee Benefits and Group Retirement.