Meet Our Speaker: Michael Campbell

by | Apr 9, 2024 | Spark Conference 2024, Speaker Series

This week we are learning about our SPARK speaker Michael Campbell

Please introduce yourself in 10 words or less.

Taking the entrepreneurial path after 33 years on the corporate side.

What is the name of your presentation?

Building Financial Literacy with Plan Members

What is a key takeaway you’re hoping the audience leaves with?

Investing properly in enhancing financial literacy has the potential to deliver significant ROI as well as being the right thing to do.

Why should this topic be important to our conference attendees?

Financial literacy is at the crux of the top stressor in life: money. It impacts relationships, absenteeism, claims, substance abuse and overall health. If you are advising businesses on how to manage these costs but are missing dealing with a leading cause, you may want to take a deeper look.

What’s a question you hope to be asked following your session?

Where to I get started!?

What is something people may not know about you?

I’m extremely handy and can do renos better than most contractors.

If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be and why? What question would you ask them?

Warren Buffett: In as much as he has been tremendously successful and a good human being, what would he have done differently if he had the chance?

What is a book to recommend for people in the audience?

Be Useful: Arnold Schwarzenegger

How do you see the industry evolving over the next five years?

The impact of AI will become more apparent in a variety of ways. Impact on workforces, impact on processes, impact on experiences…today many folks are playing with it, trying it out. But it won’t be long until it is impacting everything we do (whether transparently or not).

How can people connect with you after the conference? is the best way. or through LinkedIn messages.

Anything else you’d like to add for people attending the conference?

I am looking forward to reconnecting with past colleagues from across the country and meeting new ones!