Meet Our Speaker: Jason Vary

by | Apr 17, 2024 | Spark Conference 2024, Speaker Series

This week we are learning about our SPARK speaker Jason Vary

Please introduce yourself in 10 words or less.

DB Pension Actuary and President at Actuarial Solutions Inc.

What is the name of your presentation?

Growing your business with non-traditional group retirement, pension and institutional investment solutions

What is a key takeaway you’re hoping the audience leaves with?

ASI and Canada Life’s can help you compete with the large consulting firms like Mercer, Aon, WTW who offer Outsourced Chief Investment Officer services for DB pension plans

Why should this topic be important to our conference attendees?

There are a surprising number of opportunities for new business in the DB pension market.

What’s a question you hope to be asked following your session?

What’s the first step when prospecting a client with a DB pension plan?

What is something people may not know about you?

I’m a representative of the Canadian actuarial profession at the International Actuarial Association, which involves international travel – up next is South Korea in May.

If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be and why? What question would you ask them?

Warren Buffett – just to listen to him tell stories and share wisdom from his life

What is a book to recommend for people in the audience?

Haven’t read an actual book in a while… I’m a big fan of The Economist magazine

How do you see the industry evolving over the next five years?

DB pensions in the private sector will continue to slowly ‘die’, but people still need to save for retirement and live off their accumulated assets. There will continue to be innovation and new entrants into the marketplace such as multi-employer pension plans like CAAT and decumulation products like Variable Payment Life Annuities.

How can people connect with you after the conference?

Anything else you’d like to add for people attending the conference?

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