Tell us what you think about EI

Tell us what you think about EI

To help us represent you, please take a few moments to complete our anonymous survey about the federal government’s recent change to unemployment insurance (EI). And you could win some coffee and treats for yourself and your team! How does the change to EI impact you,...
Advisors stepping up for mental health

Advisors stepping up for mental health

 Advisors stepping up for mental health When Christine MacDonald talks about mental-health benefits during education sessions for employees, she can sense the increase in attention. More eyes are on her, some with eyebrows raised or brows furrowed. When she asks for...
EI Update: What you need to do

EI Update: What you need to do

As of December 18, 2022, employees can collect sickness benefits from Canada’s Employment Insurance (EI) plan for an additional 11 weeks, bringing the total period of coverage to 26 weeks (up from 15 weeks). That sounds like good news for both employees and...