Building Resilience in the Workplace

by | May 23, 2023 | Benefits Alliance Pulse

Plus, Training Leaders to Address Mental Health Challenges.

The Benefits Alliance Pulse is an industry-focused, weekly newsletter that is delivered to Canadians who are interested in Group Benefits, Group Retirement Solutions, and anything related to improving well-being within those areas. Benefits Alliance delivers this newsletter as a way to connect the industry further.

As we’re nearing the end of Mental Health Awareness Month, it seemed fitting to wrap up with a few examples of how to build a culture that sticks through the year. Building Resilience in the Workplace and Training Leaders to Address Mental Health Challenges are critical for any organization. The willingness to implement and be aware can often be very inexpensive – it’s a shift in awareness or perspective that is led by a few key people.


Building Resilience in the Workplace


Encouraging employees to maintain regular office hours with clear boundaries between personal life and work fosters resilience. This article will discuss ways companies can promote resiliency among their staff members for better overall mental health.


Finding Meaning and Purpose in Work


One approach to enhancing durability is by assisting personnel in discovering value and intention within their job. Employees who understand the company’s mission and feel that they are making a meaningful contribution to it can experience greater job satisfaction, motivation, and improved mental health. Employers should provide opportunities for professional development, encourage open communication about goals and expectations, and celebrate employee achievements regularly.


Engaging in Team-Building Activities


Team-building activities are another effective method of fostering workplace resilience. These events help create strong bonds among colleagues while improving communication skills essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Some examples include:


  • Cross-departmental collaboration projects;
  • Social outings or team lunches;
  • Mentorship programs pairing experienced workers with newer hires;
  • Vacation time incentives rewarding high-performing teams.

Incorporating these strategies into your company culture not only strengthens relationships but also encourages an environment where employees feel comfortable talking about any challenges they may face – including those related to mental health concerns.


Tips for Fostering a Resilient Work Culture


  1. Encourage regular breaks and time off to promote a healthy work-life balance;
  2. Offer flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or adjusted hours, when possible;
  3. Create an open-door policy where employees feel comfortable discussing mental health issues with their managers or HR representatives;
  4. Provide access to resources like counselling services and stress management workshops.


Incorporating these practices into your workplace can help create a more resilient workforce better equipped to handle the challenges of today’s fast-paced business environment while also supporting employee mental health.


⭐Key Takeaway:


Employers can promote resilience among their staff members by encouraging regular office hours with clear boundaries between personal life and work, helping employees find meaning and purpose in their work, engaging in team-building activities, offering flexible work arrangements like remote work or adjusted hours, creating an open-door policy where employees feel comfortable discussing mental health issues with managers or HR representatives, and providing access to resources like counselling services and stress management workshops. These practices can help create a more resilient workforce better equipped to handle the challenges of today’s fast-paced business environment while also supporting employee mental health.


Did you know?


  • Google: The tech giant is known for its innovative approach to promoting a healthy work-life balance through flexible schedules and remote work options. They also offer comprehensive mental health benefits along with various wellness programs.
  • PwC Canada: PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) has implemented several initiatives aimed at reducing stigma around mental health problems within the organization. This includes training sessions on supporting colleagues experiencing difficulties and appointing “mental health champions” who act as advocates within the firm.
  • Lululemon Athletica: The Canadian athletic apparel company focuses on employee mental well-being by offering in-house yoga classes, meditation spaces, and a strong emphasis on work-life balance.


Training Leaders to Address Mental Health Challenges


Employers play a vital role in addressing mental health challenges within an organization by recognizing it as a collective priority. This shift requires training leaders, managers, and all employees on navigating mental health at work effectively. By providing mental health training, companies can create supportive workplaces with open communication that foster employee well-being.


Having Difficult Conversations About Sensitive Topics


To support employee mental health, company leaders must be equipped to have difficult conversations about sensitive topics such as job loss, substance abuse, or sexual orientation. These discussions require empathy and understanding from both parties involved. Employers should consider offering workshops or seminars focused on improving communication skills for discussing delicate subjects related to workplace culture and individual experiences.


Creating Supportive Workplaces With Open Communication


  • Mental Health Champions: Designate individuals within the organization who are trained in supporting colleagues facing mental health issues. These champions serve as points of contact for employees seeking help or resources related to their emotional well-being.
  • Promoting Work-Life Balance: Encourage healthy work-life balance by allowing employees flexibility in their schedules when possible and promoting remote work options where appropriate.
  • Fostering Inclusivity: Create an inclusive environment where everyone feels comfortable talking about their mental health concerns without fear of stigma or discrimination. This includes hosting events like “Mental Health Awareness Days” that raise awareness around the importance of good mental health while reducing the stigma associated with these conditions.
  • Evaluating Workplace Policies: Regularly review company policies surrounding mental health support and make necessary adjustments to ensure they align with the organization’s commitment to employee well-being. This may include offering comprehensive mental health benefits or providing access to resources that help employees manage stressors effectively.

Incorporating these strategies into workplace culture not only demonstrates a company’s dedication to supporting employee mental health but also contributes positively toward overall work performance and satisfaction.


⭐ Key Takeaway:


Employers can address mental health challenges in the workplace by training leaders and employees, having difficult conversations about sensitive topics, creating supportive workplaces with open communication through Mental Health Champions, promoting work-life balance, fostering inclusivity and evaluating workplace policies. By doing so they can promote employee well-being, which positively impacts overall work performance and satisfaction.